Three Tomoe Sharingan Contacts

Colored Contacts
1 min readNov 10, 2023

Three Tomoe Sharingan Contacts for light and dark eyes!

When first awakened, each Sharingan usually will have only one tomoe, although in some case, they immediately gained two tomoe in each of their eyes. Through emotional growth of extreme conditions, the Sharingan will continue to develop, its full maturation represented by a third tomoe.

Feel free to choose from our other Sharingan Contacts
Water content: 40%
Thickness: 0.08mm
Texture: HEMA
Base curve: 8.6mm
Diameter: 14.5mm
Period of use: 12 months
Packaging: 1 Pair (2 lenses)

Three Tomoe Sharingan Contacts for light and dark eyes!

When first awakened, each Sharingan usually will have only one tomoe, although in some case, they immediately gained two tomoe in each of their eyes. Through emotional growth of extreme conditions, the Sharingan will continue to develop, its full maturation represented by a third tomoe.

Feel free to choose from our other Sharingan Contacts
Water content: 40%
Thickness: 0.08mm
Texture: HEMA
Base curve: 8.6mm
Diameter: 14.5mm
Period of use: 12 months
Packaging: 1 Pair (2 lenses)

